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Friday, August 14, 2015

New CCTV and Surveillance Camera Codes

The New CCTV and Surveillance Camera Codes, organized by the Westminster Briefing will take place on 25th September 2014 in London, United Kingdom. The conference will cover areas like An overview of the ICO consultation to update the CCTV Code of Practice An update on the SC Code: how is it being implemented? What more can be done

Etc Venues

Avonmouth House, 6 Avonmouth St, London SE1 6NX
London, UK


Westminster Briefing

21 Dartmouth StreetLondonSW1H 9BP
London, UK

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Fire india 2009

Start Date: 07 September, 2009 at 09:00 am
End Date: 09 September, 2009 at 05:00 pm
Where: Bombay Exhibition Centre
Nesco Compound

Mumbai , Maharashtra
Zipcode: 400063
Website: http://www.fire-india.com
Phone: 91-11-45055572 / +91-9350230869
Phone: 91-11-45055500/ 45055573


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